The ocean of tiny drops

We all know that humans are ruining the planet. We’ve heard the statistics, we watched Blue Planet II and we’ve been recycling our shampoo bottles for years. But despite our good intentions, each household produces around a tonne of waste each year. And the natural world just doesn't know what to do with it. 

It all sounds like doom and gloom, but there ARE things you can do. That’s what this blog is all about. The things you do each day might feel like a drop in the ocean compared to the effect that your entire street, your local supermarket or your country’s government can have. But I once read in a wise book: ‘what is the ocean if not made up of tiny drops?’ It’s a phrase I’ve never forgotten.

Little changes from everyday people can make a big difference. If we all made one change per week, or even per month, together we could clean up the planet.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sophie, and I live in London with two cats, three housemates and four fish. I love the trees, the bees and the seas, but I also know that I’m part of the problem when it comes to waste. I’m writing this on an old-fashioned piece of paper, using a fairly modern biro. I’m wearing plastic sunglasses, blue glittery nail varnish, and I’m drinking a glass of lemonade on the rocks through a green straw. The straw was in the cupboard – if I don’t use it, someone else will, right? There is truth in that. But, do you know what? I’ve had it. This will be my last straw. 

From this moment forwards, there are two things I can do. The first is to find a more sustainable alternative to this plastic straw. The second is to do something with those straws in the cupboard that doesn’t involve throwing them straight into a hole in the ground. 

In this blog I will bring together my own findings on things to make, items to buy and all manner of top tips for simple, sustainable living. If you care about these things too, and know that like me, you also have a long way to go before you can call yourself eco-friendly, join me on this journey! Together we can make a BIG drop in the ocean – but we won’t be dropping plastic.
